
10 Contoh Teks Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Berbagai Tema

26 Juli 2023 · 6 min read Author: Christantio Utama

Contoh Teks Percakapan Bahasa Inggris

Membuat contoh teks percakapan Bahasa Inggris ternyata cukup mudah. Yuk, simak informmasi lengkapnya di artikel berikut ini.

Dalam pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia, pastinya kita pernah belajar mengenai teks percakapan.

Teks percakapan sendiri adalah teks yang berisi diskusi atau perbincangan antara dua orang atau lebih mengenai suatu pembahasan tertentu.

Latar belakang percakapan tersebut bisa berada dimana saja.

Mulai dari di rumah, tempat umum sampai pusat perbelanjaan.

Teks percakapan juga bisa berupa bahasa Indonesia atau Inggris tergantung dengan kebutuhan.

Apabila kamu kesulitan dalam membuat contoh teks percakapan bahasa Inggris, kebetulan banget nih sebab kita akan mengulasnya sampai tuntas.

Yuk, langsung saja kita simak 10 contoh teksnya berikut ini, melansir berbagai sumber.

10 Contoh Teks Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Berbagai Topik

Contoh percakapan bahasa inggrris yang benar

Sumber: Write article

1. Contoh Teks Percakapan dengan Dokter

Doctor: Halo, what seems to be the problem?

Irfan: Since yesterday I have a really bad cough and also got a headache.

Doctor: How long have you been having all these symptoms?

Irfan: I have them about three days now, but since yesterday it becomes a lot worse.

Doctor: Well, it sounds to me that you have got flu. You must take 2 aspirin with water every six hours. Also, you must drink lots of fluids.

Irfan: Thank you doctor for your time.

Doctor: You’re welcome. Book another appointment if you are still sick next week.

2. Contoh Teks Percakapan Bahasa Inggris di Pasar

Siti: Hey, Jasmine. How about baking a cake when we get home?

Jeje: That’s a brilliant idea! We better buy some ingredients then, while we are here.

Siti: Well, I guess we need sugar, butter, flour, and icing sugar.

Jeje: We also need some eggs, chocolate chips, and a chocolate flake to sprinkle on top.

Siti: Yes, I nearly forgot about that. I’ll get the dairy ingredients and you’ll get the others.

Jeje: Alright! Let’s do it. See you at the cashier.

Siti: See you there shortly.

3. Contoh Teks Percakapan di Rumah

Achmad: What are you cooking? It smells so good.

Nadya: I am baking cakes. This is your favorite carrot cake.

Achmad: It looks really yummy. And I see pancake over there too.

Nadya: Yes, that pancake is for my friend, Angie. Don’t touch it.

Achmad: Alright! Can I have a piece of carrot cake right now?

Nadya: You don’t want to wait until after dinner?

Achmad: It looks inviting and I don’t want to wait. Can I?

Nadya: Ok, go ahead.

4. Contoh Teks Percakapan Ulangan di Sekolah

Feby: The paper was long, wasn’t it?

Rini: Yes, unusually long.

Feby: How did you do?

Rini: So so. I wish I had timed myself better. I left questions worth 10 marks unattempted. How about you?

Feby: I started off well. But this year’s reading comprehension passages were just too tough for me, and it completely derailed my time management.

Rini: So, did you too fail to complete the paper?

Feby: I did somehow manage to complete but I guess I made quite a few mistakes.

Rini: Well, can’t do much now. Let’s hope for the best and get ready for the next one.

Feby: You’re right. Few more hard days to go.

5. Contoh Teks Percakapan Saat Nonton Konser

Carlos: Hey William. There is a musical concert in the part. Do you want to go see the band play?

William: Sure! Let’s go. I want to enjoy this evening, Carlos.

Carlos: You will. There will be good Country music.

William: It sounds like fun. I have to say that country melodies can be quite enticing. I can listen to them all day long.

Carlos: My favorite is Rock and Roll music. But I like country music too.

William: Cool! Let’s get your car and we go.

Carlos: Alright!

6. Contoh Percakapan di Cafe

Waitress: Hello! Can I get you both any drinks and meals?

Reyhan: Yes. I would like an iced coffee, please.

Maria: I like to have a green tea latte.

Reyhan: What do you want to eat, Maria?

Maria: I think I will have the steak with fries and mixed vegetables.

Reyhan: Me too.

Waitress: How do you want the steak cooked rare, medium, or well done?

7. Contoh Teks Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Singkat

Contoh percakapan bahasa inggris singkat

Sumber: English First

8. Contoh Teks Percakapan Bahasa Inggris 2 Orang

Mr. Ahmad: Good morning. I hope you all had a great weekend.
(Mr. Ahmad: Selamat pagi. Saya harap kalian semua memiliki akhir pekan yang menyenangkan.)

Yulia: Good morning, mister.
(Yulia: selamat pagi, pak Guru.)

Mr. Ahmad: I can see you’ve all got your school euipment, well done.
(Mr Ahmad: Saya dapat melihat kalian semua memiliki peralatan sekolah, bagus.)

Yuli: Ya, mister.
(Yuli: Ya, Pak Guru.)

Mr. Ahmad: Now, open your book and copy today’s date and title off the board.
(Mr. Ahmad: Sekarang, bukalah bukumu dan salin tanggal serta judul materi hari ini dari papan tulis.)

Yulia: Mister, I can’t see the date properly.
(Yulia: Pak, saya tidak bisa melihat tanggalnya dengan jelas.)

Mr. Ahmad: It’s the 25th of March, Yulia.
(Mr. Ahmad: 25 Maret, Yulia.)

Yulia: Alright, mister. Thank you.
(Yulia: Baik, mister. Terima kasih.)

9. Contoh Teks Percakapan Bahasa Inggris 3 Orang

Liza: Hi, last new year’s holiday went anywhere?
Fatma: Oh, I went to Bali yesterday with my family. If you’re angel?
Angel: I just happened to be at grandma’s house in the village.

Fatma: Well, how beautiful is the scenery in the village?
Liza: Yes, though I would love to go to the village. The air is still cool not much pollution.
Angel: In my grandmother’s village it’s still very beautiful. There are many rice fields and tourist attractions that are still natural.

Liza: It’s different from the hot, arid atmosphere of the city.
Fatma: In Bali although the tourist attractions are natural, but already crowded because of the urban.
Angel: Near my grandmother’s house there is a very beautiful waterfall. The water is clean and cold. I have to take you there sometime.

Fatma: May.
Liza: Yes, I can’t wait anymore.

10. Contoh Teks Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Singkat 2 Orang

Alex: Hello, what’s your name?
(Alex: Halo, siapa namamu?)

Yanti: Hi! My name is Yanti, what’s your?
(Yanti: Hai! Nama saya Yanti, siapa namu?)

Alex: My name is Alex.
(Alex: Nama saya Alex.)

Yanti: It’s nice to meet you, Alex.
(Yanti: Senang berjumpa denganmu, Alex.)

Alex: Thanks, you too.
(Alex: Terima kasih, senang juga berjumpa denganmu.)


Nah, itulah 10 contoh tema percakapan bahasa inggris yang bisa kamu ketahui.

Semoga artikel ini bermanfaat ya Property People!

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Buka lembaran baru dan wujudkan impianmu, kami selalu #AdaBuatKamu.

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Christantio Utama
Lulusan Binus jurusan Hubungan Internasional. Mengawali karier sebagai jurnalis di Detikcom pada 2018 dan sekarang bekerja di 99 Group sebagai penulis artikel. Tio rutin menulis tentang properti, gaya hidup, dan teknologi.


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