
15 Contoh Soal Passive Voice Kelas 9, 10, 11 Beserta Jawabannya

15 Agustus 2023 · 5 min read Author: Rulfhi Alimudin Pratama S

contoh soal passive voice

contoh soal passive voice | shutterstock.com

Bingung mengerjakan tugas sekolah mengenai passive voice? Tak usah khawatir, tersedia contoh soal passive voice kelas 9. 10, dan 11 lengkap dengan jawabannya.  

Passive voice merupakan salah satu materi yang masuk dalam mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris tingkat SMP hingga SMA/SMK.

Materi ini sering muncul di berbagai macam ujian seperti ujian tengah semester hingga ujian akhir.

Passive voice atau kalimat pasif adalah kalimat yang lebih menekankan objek daripada subjek.

Artinya, subjek kalimat tidak melakukan aksi, tetapi menjadi penerima aksi, karena bersifat pasif.

Biar makin jelas, Berita 99.co Indonesia telah siapkan pola kalimat passive voice dan contohnya yang bisa Property People pelajari.

Pola Kalimat Passive Voice

Dalam pembentukan kalimat aktif menjadi pasif, subjek dalam kalimat aktif akan menjadi objek dalam kalimat pasif dan sebaliknya.

Contoh: Subject + to be + V3 + Object/Complement

Kalimat Aktif: Insan build a house.

Kalimat pasif: A house is built by Insan.

Nah, biar semakin ngerti, mari lanjut ke beberapa contoh soal passive voice beserta jawabannya.

Contoh Soal Passive Voice dan Jawabannya

contoh soal passive voice bahasa inggris

Sumber: Shutterstock.com

Soal Passive Voice Kelas 9

1. New products…in the electronic exhibition in Bandung Expo a month ago.

A. Was Displaying

B. Were Displayed

C. Have Displayed

D. Display

E. Displayed

Jawaban: B

2. Geologists have explained the cause of tsunami in terms of a theory… as plate tectonics.

A. Which Knows

B. Knows

C. Knowing

D. That Known

E. Known

Jawaban: E

3. My melon juice was drunk by Dimas this evening.

A. Dimas drinks my melon juice this evening.

B. Dimas drunk my melon juice this evening.

C. Dimas drank my melon juice this evening.

D. Dimas will drink my melon juice this evening

Jawaban: C

4. Peno has taken an Indonesia test just now.

A. An Indonesia test has been taken by Peno just now.

B. An Indonesia test had been taken by Peno just now.

C. An Indonesia test was taken by Peno just now.

D. An Indonesia test had taken by Peno just now.

Jawaban: A

5. Clara knocked the window of his house yesterday.

A. The window has knocked of his house by Clara yesterday.

B. The window of his house was knocked by Clara yesterday.

C. The window was knocked of his house by Clara yesterday.

D. The window of his house is knocked by Clara yesterday.

Jawaban: B

Contoh Soal Passive Voice Kelas 10

1. Daddy drinks A cup of coffee every day.

Passive voice is:

A. A cup of coffee was drink by daddy every day.

B. A cup of coffee is drink by daddy every day.

C. A cup of coffee is drunk by daddy every day.

D. A cup of coffee is drank by daddy every day.

E. A cup of coffee was being drink by daddy every day.

Jawaban: C

2. ‘Last night a thief broke into my brother’s house’

‘Really? What …. from the house?’

A. the took

B. was to take

C. was being taken

D. was taking

E. was taken

Jawaban: E

3. Mr. Joko is teaching English at Junior High School

A. Mr. Joko is teached English at Junior High School.

B. English is teaching by Mr. Joko at Junior High School.

C. English is taught by Mr. Joko at Junior High School.

D. English is being taught by Mr. Joko at Junior High School.

E. English are taught by Mr. Joko at Junior High School.

Jawaban: D

4. They translated some old documents last week. What is the passive form of this sentence?

A. Some old documents are translated by them last week.

B. Some old documents have been translated by them last week.

C. Some old documents were being translated by them last week.

D. Some old documents were translated by them last week.

E. Some old documents been translated by them last week.

Jawaban: D

5. We’ll be visiting our grandmother next week. What is the passive form of this sentence?

A. Our grandmother will be being visited by us next week.

B. Our grandmother will be visited by us next week.

C. Our grandmother would be visited by us next week.

D. Our grandmother would be being visited by us next week.

E. Our grandmother would have been visited by us next week.

Jawaban: A

Soal Passive Voice Kelas 11

1. They canceled all flights because of fog. The passive form of the sentence is, because of fog….

A. All flights had canceled

B. All flights were canceled

C. All flights have been canceled

D. They be canceled

E. They are being canceled

Jawaban: B

2. A well known architect is designing our new office. The passive form of the above sentence is, Our new office …… by a well known architect.

A. Design

B. Designed

C. Be designing

D. Is designed

E. Is being designed

Jawaban: E

3. New products …. in the electronic exhibition in Jakarta Expo Centre a week ago.

A. display

B. displayed

C. was displaying

D. were displayed

E. have displayed

Jawaban: D

4. Jupiter’s four moons ……. through a telescope by Galileo.

A. Were first viewed

B. First viewed

C. Had been first viewed

D. Were being first viewed

E. First being viewed

Jawaban: A

5. They translated some old documents last week. What is the passive form of this sentence?

A. Some old documents are translated by them last week.

B. Some old documents have been translated by them last week.

C. Some old documents were being translated by them last week.

D. Some old documents were translated by them last week.

E. Some old documents been translated by them last week.

Jawaban: D


Itulah sejumlah contoh soal passive voice lengkap dengan jawabannya. 

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Rulfhi Alimudin Pratama S

Content Writer

Mengawali karier kepenulisan sebagai penulis lepas di beberapa media daring sejak 2016. Kini mencurahkan pikiran untuk menulis properti, gaya hidup, marketing, hingga teknologi di Berita 99 dan Rumah123.


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