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5 Contoh Pembukaan Pidato Bahasa Inggris yang Menarik. Lengkap dalam Berbagai Tema!

contoh pembukaan pidato bahasa Inggris 
Pembukaan pidato bahasa Inggris | Sumber:

Bingung menyusun pembukaan pidato bahasa Inggris agar isinya menarik untuk audiens? Yuk, simak sejumlah contohnya berikut ini!

Ketika mengawali pidato, pastikan kamu tidak terlalu banyak berbasa-basi.

Pasalnya, ini bisa membuat audiens kehilangan ketertarikan untuk mendengarkanmu hingga akhir.

Nah, sebagai referensi, berikut beberapa contoh pembukaan pidato bahasa Inggris yang singkat, padat, dan jelas, tetapi tetap menarik!

5 Contoh Pembukaan Pidato Bahasa Inggris yang Menarik

1. Contoh Pembukaan Pidato yang Menarik

Good morning! First, let us offer thanks for the presence of Allah Swt. because of His mercy we can gather in this place in good health.

Today, allow me to say a word or two about the importance of protecting ourself from the dangers of drugs.

In our quest for happiness and relief from life’s challenges, some individuals find themselves entangled in a perilous web – the world of drugs.

Today, we gather to confront this pressing issue that affects not just individuals, but entire communities.

Together, we will shed light on the shadows of addiction, share stories of recovery, and discuss the collective responsibility we bear to combat this menace.

Welcome to a brief but urgent explanation about the impact of drugs on our lives and the hope for a brighter, drug-free future.

2. Pembukaan Pidato tentang Merokok dalam Bahasa Inggris

Contoh pembukaan pidato berikutnya adalah sebagai berikut:

pembukaan pidato tentang merokok dalam bahasa inggris

3. Pembukaan Pidato tentang Masa Depan

Good morning, everyone.

My name is Iqbal and I am grateful to be here today with you to share my view abous building a sustainable future.

We are gathered at this moment because we believe that we need to build a world that is fair for all.

The world where everyone has the same access to clean water, food, and shelter.

Afraid not, I believe that we actually have the knowledge, the resources, and the technology to achieve that.

The challenges in front of us was indeed daunting, but they are not insurmountable.

Then, whats stopping us from makin the difference? It’s the will to act, Ladies and Gentleman

To create a better future for ourselves and for generations to come, we should be willing tom take an action.

We also should come together as a global community to show our commitment to a sustainable future.

So, today, in my speech about “Building a Sustainable Future”, let’s discuss about what should we do to achieve the goal together.

4. Contoh Pembukaan Pidato Singkat

Referensi pembukaan pidato dalam bahasa Inggris berikutnya adalah sebagai berikut:

contoh pembukaan pidato bahasa Inggris 

5. Pembukaan Pidato tentang Mimpi

Goode morning, everyone.

My name is Indah and it is with great pleasure and humility that I stand before you today.

Before I start my speech, I want to asked all of you to take a look at those around you.

You will realize that everyone in this room has a different faces, backgrounds, and experiences.

By understanding this difference, we can grow together to be a better human.

It also help us to be daring to dream and act in this modern world.

Then, I believe, it help us to evolve and accomplished extraordinary feats.

So, today, I would like to talked about “How to Unleashed the Greatness within You”.

Together, let us delve into this topic with curiosity, determination, and the belief that we can shape a future that defies limitations.


Itu dia sejumlah pembukaan pidato bahasa Inggris yang bisa kamu tiru.

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