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Contoh Kalimat Present Perfect Tense Positif, Negatif, dan Interogatif Beserta Artinya. Mudah Dipahami!

contoh kalimat present perfect tense positif negatif interogatif

Apakah kamu kesulitan memahami kalimat present perfect tense positif, negatif, dan interogatif? Pelajari rumus dan contoh kalimat present perfect tense berikut ini, ya!

Perfect present tense adalah jenis tense dalam bahasa Inggris yang digunakan untuk menyatakan fakta, peristiwa yang dilakukan berulang-ulang, kebenaran umum, atau peristiwa yang terjadi saat ini.

Salah satu ciri utama kalimat perfect present tense yakni adanya penggunaan bentuk verb 3.

Agar lebih mudah dipahami, simak penjelasan rumus dan contoh kalimat perfect present tense di bawah ini…

Rumus Kalimat Present Perfect Tense

rumus present perfect tense
rumus present perfect tense (+) (-) (?)

1. Present Perfect Tense Positif

Rumus present perfect tense positif adalah:

  • I/You/They/We + have + verb 3 (They have lived in Kota Bandung for nearly a decade)
  • He/She/It + has + verb 3 (He has learned Japanese for one year)

2. Present Perfect Tense Negatif

Rumus present perfect tense negatif adalah:

  • I/You/They/We + have + not + verb 3 (They have not lived in Bandung for a while)
  • He/She/It + has + not + verb 3 (He has not learned Japanese for one year)

3. Present Perfect Tense Interogatif

Rumus present perfect tense interogatif adalah:

  • Have + I/You/They/We + verb 3 (Have they lived in Bandung for nearly a decade?)
  • Has + He/She/It + verb 3 (Has he learned Japanese for one year?)

Contoh Kalimat Present Perfect Tense

1. Contoh Kalimat Present Perfect Tense Positif

Contoh Kalimat Present Perfect Tense Positif
contoh kalimat present perfect tense positif
  • I have bought a new bike. (Saya telah membeli sepeda baru)
  • My elder brother has started a new job this week. (Abangku telah memulai pekerjaan baru minggu ini)
  • Ridwan has already submitted her paper. (Ridwan sudah menyerahkan tugasnya)
  • We have been to Malaysia. (Kami pernah ke Malaysia)
  • Maulana has gone to the bookstore. (Maulana pergi ke toko buku)
  • There has been an accident near here. (Telah terjadi kecelakaan di dekat sini)
  • My younger sister has broken his leg. (Adik perempuanku patah kakinya)
  • My students have improved their Spanish. (Siswa saya telah meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Spanyol mereka)
  • They have had a newborn baby. (Mereka telah memiliki bayi yang baru lahir)
  • My friends and I have worked hard this week. (Teman-teman saya dan saya telah bekerja keras minggu ini)
  • You have forgotten your pencil case. (Anda lupa kotak pensil Anda)
  • A truck has just stopped in front of me. (Sebuah truk baru saja berhenti di depanku)
  • Yusuf has told me about this story three times. (Yusuf telah menceritakan kisah ini kepada saya tiga kali)
  • This is the first time he has written a love letter. (Ini pertama kalinya dia menulis surat cinta)
  • The weather has been warm recently. (Cuaca akhir-akhir ini hangat)

2. Contoh Kalimat Present Perfect Tense Negatif

Contoh Kalimat Present Perfect Tense Negatif
contoh kalimat present perfect tense negatif
  • I haven’t bought a new bike yet. (Saya belum membeli sepeda baru)
  • My father has not started a new business. (Ayahku belum memulai bisnis baru)
  • Ridwan hasn’t finished his Science project. (Ridwan belum menyelesaikan proyek Sainsnya)
  • We have not been to Japan. (Kami belum pernah ke Jepang)
  • Maulana has not gone to the gymnastic class. (Maulana belum pergi ke kelas senam)
  • There hasn’t been any rain this month. (Tidak ada hujan di bulan ini)
  • My mother has never cut his hair himself. (Ibu saya tidak pernah memotong rambutnya sendiri)
  • My students haven’t been lazy this semester. (Siswa saya tidak malas semester ini)
  • They haven’t got a baby boy yet. (Mereka belum dikarunia seorang bayi laki-laki)
  • My friends and I haven’t gone out together this month. (Teman-teman saya dan saya belum keluar bersama bulan ini)
  • You have never forgotten your favorite keychain. (Anda tidak pernah melupakan gantungan kunci favorit Anda)
  • The truck hasn’t stopped in front of the man. (Truk itu tidak berhenti di depan pria itu)
  • You have never told me about your boyfriend. (Kamu tidak pernah bercerita tentang pacarmu)
  • He hasn’t written any words yet. (Dia belum menulis sepatah kata pun)
  • The weather hasn’t been cold lately. (Cuaca akhir-akhir ini tidak dingin)

3. Contoh Kalimat Present Perfect Tense Interogatif

Contoh Kalimat Present Perfect Tense Interogatif
contoh kalimat present perfect tense interogatif
  • Have you bought a new bike? (Sudahkah Anda membeli sepeda baru?)
  • Has your father started a new business? (Apakah ayah Anda sudah memulai bisnis baru?)
  • Has Ridwan finished her Science project? (Apakah Ridwan telah menyelesaikan proyek sainsnya?)
  • Have they been to Japan? (Apakah mereka pernah ke Jepang?)
  • Who has gone to the bookstore? (Siapa yang pergi ke toko buku?)
  • Has there been an accident near here? (Apakah ada kecelakaan di dekat sini?)
  • When has your brother broken his leg? (Kapan kaki abangmu patah?)
  • How long have your students improved their Spanish? (Berapa lama siswa Anda meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Spanyol mereka?)
  • Have they got a baby boy already? (Apakah mereka sudah punya bayi laki-laki?)
  • Why have your friends and you worked hard this week? (Mengapa teman-teman Anda dan Anda bekerja keras minggu ini?)
  • Have you forgotten your hat? (Apakah Anda lupa topi Anda?)
  • Why has a truck stopped in front of you? (Mengapa truk berhenti di depan Anda?)
  • Have I told you about my boyfriend? (Apakah saya sudah memberitahu tentang pacar saya?
  • Has he ever written any love letters? (Apakah dia pernah menulis surat cinta?)
  • Has the weather been warm lately? (Apakah cuaca akhir-akhir ini hangat?)

FAQ Kalimat Present Perfect Tense

Apa contoh dari present perfect tense?

Berikut ini beberapa contoh present perfect tense.

Apa rumus (+) (-) (?) dari present continuous tense?

(+) Positif:

– I/You/They/We + have + verb 3

– He/She/It + has + verb 3

(-) Negatif:

– I/You/They/We + have + not + verb 3

– He/She/It + has + not + verb 3

(?) Interogatif

Have + I/You/They/We + verb 3

– Has + He/She/It + verb 3

Apa saja contoh simple present tense?

Berikut ini beberapa contoh kalimat simple present tense yang mudah dipahami:

– Emier goes to school every morning. (Emier berangkat ke sekolah setiap pagi.)

– He eats the apple(Dia memakan apel itu.)

– She doesn’t live in Bandung. (Dia tidak tinggal di Bandung.)

Kapan kita harus menggunakan present perfect tense?

Present perfect tense digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan tindakan atau situasi yang dimulai di masala lalu dan masih berlanjut hingga saat ini.


Demikian penjelasan mengenai contoh kalimat present perfect tense.

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