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10 Contoh Formal Invitation Letter atau Surat Undangan Resmi Bahasa Inggris yang Menarik

formal invitation letter

Formal invitation letter atau surat undangan resmi bahasa Inggris adalah materi sekolah yang wajib kamu ketahui dan pahami. Simak contoh surat tersebut di sini!

Surat undangan bahasa Inggris adalah bentuk karya tulis yang kehadirannya sangat penting dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

Bila melansir dari buku Mahir Menulis Surat Resmi dan Surat Pribadi untuk SMP/MTS buatan Nadya Safira, Riskika Aidil Fitri, dan Sri Rezeki, surat resmi adalah surat yang menyangkut masalah resmi, seperti masalah organisasi, instansi, atau lembaga.

Sementara itu, formal invitation letter adalah surat resmi yang dibuat untuk mengundang seseorang atau sekelompok orang agar bisa hadir pada acara atau kegiatan tertentu secara resmi.

Surat undangan formal biasanya digunakan ketika mengundang seseorang ke acara pernikahan, seminar, konferensi, pertemuan bisnis, acara resmi pemerintahan, dan masih banyak lagi.

Isi surat undangan formal biasanya mencakup informasi penting, seperti tanggal, waktu, tempat, tujuan acara, agenda, dan instruktsi khusus (dress code atau tindakan yang harus dilakukan oleh tamu).

Tak hanya itu, surat undangan juga dapat mencakup rincian tentang program acara, daftar pembicara atau tamu kehormata, serta kenapa penerima undangan harus hadir ke acara.

Jika kamu masih bingung, simak contoh formal invitation letter atau surat undangan resmi bahasa Inggris di bawah ini!

Contoh Formal Invitation Letter

contoh formal invitation letter bahasa inggris
contoh formal invitation letter bahasa inggris

Berikut beberapa contoh undangan formal dalam bahasa Inggris dan artinya:

1. Undangan Seminar

Ini contoh surat undangan rapat/seminar atau formal invitation letter untuk seminar:

Dear [Nama Penerima Undangan],


We are pleased to invite you to our upcoming seminar on [Tema Seminar]. The seminar will be held on [Tanggal] at [Waktu] at [Lokasi Seminar]. This event aims to discuss the latest trends in [Topik Utama Seminar] and provide valuable insights for professionals in the [Industri/Tema Terkait].


Your expertise in [Bidang Keahlian Penerima] would greatly contribute to the discussions. We hope to see you there and kindly RSVP by [RSVP Deadline].



[Nama Pengirim Undangan]

[Tanda Tangan]

2. Undangan Pernikahan

Berikut adalah contoh undangan pernikahan resmi atau formal invitation letter untuk pernikahan:

Dear [Nama Penerima Undangan],


We are delighted to invite you to the wedding of [Nama Pengantin Pria] and [Nama Pengantin Wanita] on [Tanggal] at [Waktu] at [Lokasi Pernikahan]. Your presence would be an honor as we celebrate this joyous occasion with our friends and family.


Kindly respond by [RSVP Deadline]. We look forward to sharing this special day with you.


With warm regards,

[Nama Pengirim Undangan]

[Tanda Tangan]

3. Undangan Acara Bisnis

contoh formal invitation letter bisnis

Dear [Nama Penerima Undangan],


We would like to invite you to a business networking event hosted by [Nama Perusahaan/Asosiasi] on [Tanggal] at [Waktu] at [Lokasi Acara]. This event is an excellent opportunity to connect with industry leaders, exchange ideas, and explore potential collaborations.


Please confirm your attendance by [RSVP Deadline]. Dress code is [Dress Code], and light refreshments will be served.


We hope to see you there.


Best regards,

[Nama Pengirim Undangan]

[Tanda Tangan]

4. Contoh Formal Invitation Letter Acara Resmi Pemerintahan

Dear [Nama Penerima Undangan],

With respect,

The Government of [Nama Kota] invites you to attend the [Nama Acara] event, which will be held on:

Date: [Tanggal]
Time: [Waktu]
Location: [Alamat]
This event is held in order to [Tujuan pembuatan acara].

Your presence is highly anticipated.

Thus, we convey this invitation letter. We thank you for your attention and attendance.


[Nama Pengirim Undangan]

Government of [Nama Kota]

5. Contoh Formal Invitation Letter Acara Kenegaraan

Dear [Nama Penerima Undangan],

With respect,

The President of [Nama Negara] invites you to attend the [Nama Acara] event, which will be held on:

Date: [Tanggal]
Time: [Waktu]
Location: [Alamat]
This event is held in order to [Tujuan pembuatan acara].

Your presence is highly anticipated.

Thus, we convey this invitation letter. We thank you for your attention and attendance.


[Nama Pengirim Undangan]

President of [Nama Negara]

6. Contoh Formal Invitation Letter Acara Peringatan Hari Besar Keagamaan

Formal Invitation Letter Acara Keagamaan
Formal Invitation Letter Acara Keagamaan

Dear [Nama Penerima Undangan],

With respect,

On this blessed occasion, we invite you to attend the Halal Bihalal event in celebration of Eid al-Fitr 1445 H, which will be held on:

Date: [Tanggal]
Time: [Waktu]
Location: [Alamat]
This event is held to strengthen the ties of silaturahmi (kinship) and forgiveness among Muslims.

Your presence is highly anticipated.

Thus, we convey this invitation letter. We thank you for your attention and attendance.


[Nama Pengirim Undangan]


[Nama Organisasi atau Institusi]

7. Contoh Formal Invitation Letter Acara Penggalangan Dana

Dear [Nama Penerima Undangan],

With respect,

The organizing committee of the [event name] fundraiser invites you to attend the fundraising event that will be held on:

Date: [Tanggal]
Time: [Waktu]
Location: [Alamat]
This event is held to raise funds for children in needs all over the world.

Your presence is highly anticipated.

Thus, we convey this invitation letter. We thank you for your attention and attendance.


[Nama Pengirim Undangan]


[Nama Organisasi atau Institusi]

8. Contoh Formal Invitation Letter Acara Peresmian

Dear [Nama Penerima Undangan],

With respect,

The organizing committee for the opening ceremony of the PT. [Nama Perusahaan] office building invites you to attend the opening ceremony, which will be held on:

Date: Wednesday, August 6, 2024
Time: 10.00 WIB – Finished
Location: PT.[Nama Perusahaan] Office Building
This event is held to inaugurate the PT. [Nama Perusahaan] office building, which has just been completed.

Your presence is highly anticipated.

Thus, we convey this invitation letter. We thank you for your attention and attendance.


[Nama Pengirim Undangan]


[Nama Perusahaan]

9. Contoh Formal Invitation Letter Acara Pemakaman

Formal Invitation Letter Acara Pemakaman
Formal Invitation Letter Acara Pemakaman

To Mr./Ms./Sir/Madam [Nama Penerima],

With respect,

We, the undersigned, the family of [Nama Almarhum], hereby invite you to attend the funeral of the deceased, which will be held on:

  • Date: Friday, August 3, 2024
  • Time: 10:00 AM
  • Location: [Tempat]

This event is held to bid farewell to [Nama Almarhum] for eternity.

Your presence is highly anticipated.

We hereby convey this invitation letter. We thank you for your attention and attendance.


[Nama Pengirim]

10. Contoh Formal Invitation Letter Acara Ulang Tahun

Dear Mr./Ms./Sir/Madam [Nama Penerima],

With respect,

On this occasion, we, as the entire family of PT. [Nama Perusahaan], proudly invite you to attend the birthday party of Mr./Ms./Sir/Madam [Nama CEO Perusahaan], which will be held on:

Date: Thursday, August 2, 2024
Time: 7:00 PM – End
Location: Ballroom Hotel [Nama Hotel]
This event is held to celebrate the 50th birthday of Mr./Ms./Sir/Madam [Nama CEO Perusahaan].

We highly anticipate your presence.

We hereby convey this invitation letter. We thank you for your attention and attendance.


[Nama Perusahaan]


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Shafira Chairunnisa

Shafira Chairunnisa

Content Writer

Lulusan Hubungan Internasional di Universitas Katolik Parahyangan dan pernah bekerja sebagai jurnalis di media nasional. Sekarang fokus menulis tentang properti, gaya hidup, desain, dan politik luar negeri. Senang bermain game di waktu senggang.