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Materi dan Contoh Dialog Expression of Congratulation. Pasti Lengkap!

Masih kebingungan dalam membuat dialog yang mengandung expression of congratulation? Baca sampai habis artikel ini, yuk!

Dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris, kamu akan mempelajari banyak expression.

Salah satunya adalah expression of congratulation.

Ungkapan ini biasanya akan dipelajari oleh peserta didik kelas 8 SMP.

Yuk, simak pembahasan lengkapnya di bawah ini!

Apa Itu Expression of Congratulation?

apa itu expression of congratulation

Expression of congratulation adalah sebuah ungkapan yang kita ucapkan kepada seseorang yang telah sukses dalam meraih suatu pencapaian.

Ungkapan ini berfungsi untuk menunjukkan apresiasi, sikap simpati, dan bahkan mempererat hubungan dengan orang lain.

Contoh Ekspresi dan Responnya

Expression of Congratulations

  • Congratulations!
  • That’s wonderful!
  • Good for you!
  • Fantastic job!
  • I would be the first to congratulate you on …
  • Please, accept my warmest congratulations!
  • It was great to hear about …

Responds to the Utterance

  • Thanks!
  • Thank you. I cannot forget your help to me
  • How nice of you to say so
  • I’m glad you think so
  • It’s very good of you to say so
  • Oh, I’ve a lot to learn yet
  • Oh, there is nothing to it, actually

Contoh Dialog Expression of Congratulation

dialog expression of congratulation

Agar makin paham, kamu wajib membaca banyak contoh dialog expression of congratulation.

Berikut sejumlah contoh teks percakapan bahasa Inggris dengan ungkapan selamat!

1. Contoh Dialog Pertama

Hendi: Congrats, Hendi!

Ilham: Congratulations for what?

Hendi: You emerged as the first-place winner in our school’s singing competition!

Ilham: Seriously? You’re joking, right?

Hendi: You haven’t heard about it yet?

Ilham: I haven’t had the chance to check any announcements.

Hendi: If you don’t believe me, you can verify it through the bulletin board. I’m proud of you, my friend!

Ilham: Thank you for always being there for me, Hen!

Hendi: You should consider trying out for Indonesia Idol next year.

Ilham: Well, let’s see how things go.

2. Contoh Dialog Kedua

Alya: Hi, Elmi! Congratulations! You finally made it to graduation on time!

Elmi: Thanks! But it’s all thanks to your help.

Alya: Don’t mention it. Look. I got a gift for you.

Elmi: Wow, the flower is gorgeous. Thanks a lot.

Alya: Glad you like it. Oh, do you want to take a picture with it?

Elmi: Definitely! Shall we take a picture together?

Alya: Definitely!

Elmi: Picture taken! I’ll send it to you later, okay?

Alya: Okay. Once again, congrats, Elmi! I hope you continue to achieve great success in the future.

Elmi: Thank you so much, Alya!


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Emier Abdul Fiqih P

Emier Abdul Fiqih P

Content Writer

Menjadi penulis di 99 Group sejak 2022 yang berfokus pada artikel properti, gaya hidup, dan teknologi. Lulusan S2 Linguistik UPI ini sempat berprofesi sebagai copy editor dan penyunting buku. Senang menonton film dan membaca novel di waktu senggang.