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Kumpulan Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense Beserta Jawabannya Terlengkap

contoh soal simple past tense

Sebentar lagi ujian bahasa Inggris akan diselenggarakan. Yuk, latihan dengan mengerjakan contoh soal simple past tense di bawah ini!

Grammar adalah elemen penting yang harus dipahami oleh peserta didik jika ingin menguasai bahasa Inggris.

Salah satu grammar yang wajib kamu pelajari adalah simple past tense.

Pertama-tama, kamu mungkin harus mempelajari terlebih dahulu rumus, kalimat, hingga contoh dialognya.

Barulah setelah itu, kamu bisa menjawab soal simple past tense, baik itu pilihan ganda ataupun esai.

Agar makin paham, berikut sejumlah contoh yang bisa dijadikan sebagai latihan!

Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense Pilihan Ganda Beserta Jawabannya

contoh soal simple past tense pilihan ganda beserta jawabannya
ilustrasi contoh soal simple past tense essay beserta jawabannya, contoh soal simple past tense pilihan ganda beserta jawabannya

1. She ___ to Paris last summer.

A. go

B. went

C. goes

D. going

Jawaban: B. went

2. They ___ a new car yesterday.

A. buy

B. bought

C. buying

D. buys

Jawaban: B. bought

3. He ___ his homework last night.

A. did

B. do

C. does

D. doing

Jawaban: A. did

4. We ___ at the beach yesterday.

A. were

B. is

C. was

D. are

Jawaban: A. were

5. She ___ her grandmother last weekend.

A. visits

B. visit

C. visited

D. visiting

Jawaban: C. visited

6. They ___ a movie last Friday.

A. watch

B. watching

C. watches

D. watched

Jawaban: D. watched

7. He ___ his breakfast at 7 AM yesterday.

A. eat

B. eats

C. ate

D. eating

Jawaban: C. ate

8. The cat ___ on the sofa all afternoon.

A. sleep

B. sleeping

C. sleeps

D. slept

Jawaban: C. slept

9. They ___ a delicious cake last night.

A. bake

B. baked

C. bakes

D. baking

Jawaban: B. baked

10. I ___ my keys in the car yesterday.

A. left

B. leave

C. leaves

D. leaving

Jawaban: A. left

11. She ___ to London last year.

A. goes

B. go

C. went

D. going

Jawaban: C. went

12. We ___ this delicious food two hours ago.

A. cooking

B. cook

C. cooks

D. cooked

Jawaban: D. cooked

13. He ___ a great book last weekend.

A. read

B. reads

C. reading

D. readed

Jawaban: A. read

14. They ___ a party on Saturday.

A. have

B. has

C. had

D. having

Jawaban: C. had

15. She ___ her homework after school.

A. do

B. does

C. did

D. doing

Jawaban: C. did

16. She ___ her best friend last week.

A. meet

B. meets

C. met

D. meeting

Jawaban: C. met

17. He ___ a nice gift for his friend’s birthday.

A. bought

B. buy

C. buys

D. buying

Jawaban: A. bought

18. She ___ a beautiful song last night.

A. sings

B. sing

C. singing

D. sang

Jawaban: C. sang

19. She ___ that floor yesterday

A. sweeps

B. sweep

C. swept

D. sweeped

Jawaban: C. went

20. He ___ a funny joke yesterday.

A. told

B. tell

C. tells

D. telling

Jawaban: A. told

Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense Essay Beserta Jawabannya

contoh soal simple past tense essay beserta jawabannya

1. Describe your last vacation using the simple past tense!

Jawaban: Last summer, I traveled to Bali with my family. We visited beautiful beaches, explored cultural sites, and tried traditional Balinese cuisine. We stayed in a lovely villa and enjoyed the stunning sunsets every evening.

2. Explain a memorable event that happened at your school using the simple past tense!

Jawaban: During the school fair last year, our class organized a talent show. Many students showcased their talents, including singing, dancing, and performing magic tricks. It was a fun and exciting event that brought the entire school community together.

3. Describe a hobby or activity you enjoyed when you were younger using the simple past tense!

Jawaban: As a child, I loved riding my bicycle around the neighborhood. I used to explore different paths, race with friends, and sometimes we would have picnics in the nearby park. It was a carefree and enjoyable time of my life.

4. Share an experience when you tried a new sport or activity using the simple past tense!

Jawaban: Last month, I attempted rock climbing for the first time. It was both challenging and thrilling. With the guidance of an instructor, I managed to reach the top of the climbing wall. The sense of accomplishment was incredible.

5. Explain an adventure or journey you went on using the simple past tense!

Jawaban: Two years ago, I went on a hiking trip to the mountains. We trekked through forests, crossed rivers, and camped under the starry sky. The sunrise from the mountain peak was breathtaking, making the entire journey worthwhile.


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**gambar cover: Modul Pembelajaran SMA Bahasa Inggris Kelas X oleh Karnisius Pebrianto

Emier Abdul Fiqih P

Emier Abdul Fiqih P

Content Writer

Menjadi penulis di 99 Group sejak 2022 yang berfokus pada artikel properti, gaya hidup, dan teknologi. Lulusan S2 Linguistik UPI ini sempat berprofesi sebagai copy editor dan penyunting buku. Senang menonton film dan membaca novel di waktu senggang.