
4 Contoh News Item Text Bahasa Inggris. Begini Strukturnya yang Benar!

03 Nopember 2024 · 5 min read Author: Hanifah

contoh news item text bahasa inggris

Masih kesulitan dalam membuat teks berita dalam bahasa Inggris? Untuk mempermudah dirimu memahaminya, berikut penjelasan lengkap mengenai struktur dan contoh news item text!

Dalam bahasa Inggris, ada beberapa jenis teks yang perlu kamu pelajari.

Salah satunya adalah news item text, yakni teks berisi informasi berita atau kejadian penting.

Agar lebih mudah mempelajarinya, yuk simak contoh news item text yang benar di bawah ini!

4 Contoh News Item Text Bahasa Inggris

Contoh News Item Text 01

news item text bahasa inggris

Pertama, ada contoh news item text yang pernah tayang di koran The Jakarta Post.

Teks berita ini menceritakan tentang warga Jepang yang dituduh melakukan penipuan di Indonesia.

Berikut teks lengkapnya:

Judul: “Japanese Fugitive Accused of Fraud Deported from Indonesia”

A Japanese fugitive accused of swindling about $7 million from a pandemic subsidy programme was deported from Indonesia on Wednesday, an immigration official said.
Mitsuhiro Taniguchi, who was arrested by the National Police in Lampung earlier this month, boarded a Narita-bound flight from Jakarta, Indonesian immigration official Douglas Simamora said in a statement.
“This man is being deported because the Japanese government has revoked his passport and he has no stay permit. From now on, he will be on our deterrence list,” he said.
Taniguchi is accused by Japanese authorities of helping to steal 960 million yen ($7 million) intended for small businesses impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, according to Kyodo news.
The Japanese national allegedly submitted thousands of false applications for the subsidy programme and fled for Indonesia in October 2020 after he was put on a police wanted list.
Taniguchi ex-wife and two sons have been arrested in connection with the allegations, Japanese media have reported.
Indonesian authorities said he had told residents in Sumatra that he wanted to invest in fisheries in the area.

Contoh News Item Text 02

Selanjutnya, ada contoh teks berita bahasa Inggris mengenai gerakan ramah lingkungan dari sebuah cafe.

Teks lengkapnya adalah sebagai berikut:

Judul: “Local Cafe Introduces Eco-Friendly Initiatives”

Brew Haven, a popular local cafe, has taken a green leap by implementing eco-friendly practices.
The establishment now uses biodegradable packaging for all takeaway orders and has replaced plastic straws with compostable alternatives.
This initiative is part of Brew Haven’s commitment to environmental sustainability.
The cafe’s spokesperson, Sarah Thompson, stated, “We believe in making a positive impact on our community and the planet. Going green is a small step we can take, but it contributes to a larger movement towards a more sustainable future,”.
Customers have responded positively to the changes, praising the cafe for its eco-conscious choices.
Brew Haven’s move reflects a growing trend in the hospitality industry, where businesses are increasingly adopting environmentally friendly practices to reduce their ecological footprint.

Contoh News Item Text 03

Ada juga contoh berita yang berkaitan dengan pembangunan infrastruktur serta dampaknya bagi masyarakat.

Naskah lengkap news item text ini adalah sebagai berikut:

Judul: “Local Park Renovation Boosts Community Spirit”

Smithville Park, a beloved community space, is undergoing a significant transformation to enhance its facilities.
The renovation project, funded by local businesses and a government grant, includes the addition of a new playground, upgraded sports facilities, and improved walking trails.
Residents are excited about the changes, with many expressing gratitude for the efforts to improve the park.
John Harris stated, “This project is a testament to the collaborative spirit of our community. It’s heartening to see businesses and residents come together for the betterment of our public spaces,”.
The renovation is expected to be completed by the end of the year, just in time for the annual community picnic.
The project not only improves recreational opportunities but also strengthens the sense of community in Smithville.

Contoh News Item Text 04

Terakhir, ada news item text mengenai pola belajar baru, yakni online learning.

Teks lengkapnya adalah sebagai berikut:

Judul: “Online Learning Surges as Schools Adapt to New Normal”

The education landscape is undergoing a significant transformation as schools worldwide embrace online learning amid the ongoing pandemic.
With the aim of ensuring uninterrupted education, institutions are rapidly adopting digital platforms and virtual classrooms.
This shift has not only challenged traditional teaching methods but has also prompted educators to explore innovative ways of engaging students remotely.
Online learning platforms have reported a surge in registrations, reflecting the growing acceptance of e-learning tools.
Despite initial challenges, students and teachers alike are adapting to the new normal, with many expressing appreciation for the flexibility and accessibility online education offers.
As schools continue to navigate these uncharted waters, the integration of technology into education is becoming more crucial than ever, heralding a potential long-term change in how students learn and educators teach.

Struktur News Item Text

struktur news item text

Nah, setelah menyimak sejumlah contoh di atas, mari kita pahami pengertian dan struktur news item text lebih lanjut.

Menurut penjelasan dalam buku Basic English for Pharmacy karya Mazaya Fadhila, S., news item text adalah teks yang berhubungan dengan berita.

Informasi yang disampaikan di dalamnya memiliki nilai berita sehingga layak diketahui oleh banyak orang.

Adapun struktur isinya terbagi menjadi tiga bagian:

  • Main event/newsworthy event, yakni informasi inti terkait suatu peristiwa
  • Elaboration event/background event, yakni penjelasan latar belakang dari peristiwa yang terjadi
  • Resource of information (source), yakni pernyataan dari pihak yang terlibat, saksi mata, atau pendapat ahli

Lalu, jenis teks ini juga terbagi lagi menjadi dua, yakni news item text tertulis dan lisan.

Berita yang kita baca di surat kabar berbentuk teks tertulis, sedangkan yang kita dengar di radio atau televisi penyampaiannya dituturkan atau lisan.


Itu dia sejumlah contoh news item text bahasa Inggris yang bisa kamu pelajari.

Temukan beragam informasi menarik lainnya dengan mengikuti Rumah123.com di Google News, ya.

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Tenang saja, kami selalu #AdaBuatKamu dengan berbagai penawaran properti yang menarik!

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