Mempraktikkan dialog bahasa Inggris 3 orang singkat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari mesti terus digalakkan agar terbiasa dan percakapan pun semakin lancar.
Ketika belajar bahasa Inggris, ada kalanya kita harus berlatih melakukan percakapan.
Dengan kebiasaan bercakap dalam berbagai kondisi, seiring waktu kemampuan speaking-mu akan turut meningkat.
Selain berlatih lewat dialog bahasa Inggris 2 orang, percakapan yang akan dilakukan pun tak jarang menggunakan skema 3 arah, lo.
Jika kamu memerlukan referensi, berikut contoh dialog bahasa Inggris 3 orang singkat yang bisa dipelajari!
Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris 3 Orang
1. Dialog Bahasa Inggris 3 Orang tentang Rencana Akhir Pekan
Pertama, ada contoh dialog bahasa Inggris 3 orang ketika sedang merencanakan kegiatan akhir pekan.
Berikut percakapan lengkapnya:
Emier: Hey, guys! I was thinking, how about we plan a fun outing for this weekend?
Alya: That sounds like a great idea! I could use a break from work. Any suggestions on where to go?
Hendi: Well, I heard there’s a new hiking trail that just opened up in the nearby forest. It could be a fun adventure.
Emier: Hiking sounds exciting! Plus, we’d get to enjoy nature. What do you think, Alya?
Alya: Hiking sounds good, but I’m up for anything. Maybe we could also check out that new café downtown for a change?
Hendi: That’s a good idea, Alya. We could hike in the morning and then have lunch at the café. What time should we meet?
Emier: How about 9 AM at the trailhead? That should give us plenty of time to hike and still have a nice lunch.
Alya: Sounds perfect! I’ll make sure to bring some snacks for the hike.
Hendi: And I’ll look up the café’s menu so we know what to order. Can’t wait for the weekend!
Emier: It’s a plan then. Hiking at 9 AM, followed by a delicious lunch. Looking forward to it, guys!
Alya and Hendi: See you on Saturday!
2. Dialog Bahasa Inggris 3 Orang di Sekolah
Percakapan bahasa Inggris 3 orang berikutnya adalah tentang sekolah, ini dia contohnya!
Elmi: Hey, guys! Have you heard about the upcoming school festival?
Gadis: Yeah, I heard there’s going to be a lot of fun activities. Are you planning to participate, Elmi?
Rulfi: Hey, I’m thinking of joining too. It could be a great way to spend the weekend.
Elmi: Definitely, I’m considering signing up for the photography contest. It’s something I’ve been wanting to try.
Gadis: That’s cool, Elmi. I might join the singing competition. I’ve been practicing a lot lately.
Rulfi: Nice choices, both of you. I’m more into sports, so I’m eyeing the soccer match.
Elmi: That sounds like fun, Rulfi. By the way, have you guys checked out the art exhibition?
Gadis: Oh, yes! I went to see it yesterday. The artworks are really impressive.
Rulfi: I haven’t had the chance yet, but I’ll make sure to check it out before the festival ends.
Elmi: Speaking of which, when is the festival exactly?
Gadis: It’s next weekend, starting on Friday and ending on Sunday. So, we have plenty of time to prepare.
Rulfi: Let’s make sure to have a great time and support each other in our respective activities.
Elmi and Gadis: Sounds like a plan! See you at the festival, guys!
Rulfi: Looking forward to it!
3. Dialog Bahasa Inggris 3 Orang tentang Kebiasaan Merokok
Selanjutnya, ada contoh percakapan yang dikutip dari buku ENGLISH FOR EVERYDAY SPEAKING: Bahasa Inggris untuk Percakapan Sehari-hari karya Sutanto Leo.
Dialog bahasa Inggris ini terbilang singkat karena hanya berupa tanya jawab antara 3 orang saja. Berikut teks lengkapnya:
Nancy: Do you smoke, Budi?
Budi: Yes, Nancy. I started smoking since I was at Junior High School. I smoke because I know that a smoker is a good citizen. He pays tax regularly, may visit a doctor more often, and gives opportunities for other people to live longer.
Nancy: What about you, Andre?
Andre: No, I don’t. I know smoking is not good for my health. About 85 people who suffer lung cancer are smokers. Furthermore, according to my belief, smoking is sinful because when we smoke means we destroy our own bodies. We do not appreciate what God has given us.
4. Percakapan Bahasa Inggris 3 Orang tentang Rencana Pernikahan
Selanjutnya, ada contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris 3 orang mengenai rencana pernikahan.
Berikut dialog bahasa Inggris selengkapnya:
David: Hey, have you guys heard? Sarah and I are getting married!
Emma: Wow, congratulations! That’s amazing news. When’s the big day?
Michael: Congrats, David! Yeah, spill the details. We want to know all about it.
David: Thanks, guys! We’re planning to have the wedding next summer, probably in June.
Emma: Sounds like a perfect time for a wedding. Have you chosen a venue yet?
David: We’re leaning towards an outdoor garden wedding. Sarah loves flowers, so it feels like the right choice.
Michael: That sounds lovely. Are you both involved in the planning process?
David: Definitely. We’ve been discussing everything together, from the theme to the guest list.
Emma: Speaking of guests, do you have any idea how many people you’re inviting?
David: We’re keeping it intimate, around 100 guests. We want to celebrate with our closest friends and family.
Michael: I’m sure it’s going to be a beautiful celebration. Are you excited?
David: Absolutely! We can’t wait to start this new chapter of our lives together.
Emma: Well, we’re really happy for you, David. Wishing you both a lifetime of happiness and love.
David: Thanks, Emma and Michael. Your support means a lot to us.
Michael and Emma: Best wishes to you both!
5. Dialog Bahasa Inggris 3 Orang Singkat di Cafe
Contoh berikutnya adalah dialog singkat bahasa Inggris 3 orang di cafe.
Berikut rincian percakapan tersebut selengkapnya:
Waiter: Hi, everyone! Have you decided what you want to order?
Nisa: I think I’ll go with the classic burger. How about you, Hani?
Hani: I’ll have the grilled chicken salad, please.
Waiter: And for drinks?
Nisa: I’ll go with an iced tea.
Hani: I’ll have a glass of water, please.
Waiter: Sure thing. One classic burger, a grilled chicken salad, an iced tea, and a glass of water. Anything else?
Nisa: No, that’s it for now.
Waiter: Perfect, I’ll get your orders in. Thank you!
Hani and Nisa: Thanks a lot!
6. Dialog Bahasa Inggris 3 Orang tentang Perkenalan
Selanjutnya, ada contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris yang tertuang di dalam buku English Conversation Practice karya K.S. Sunita, Annie P.
Tema utamanya adalah perkenalan diri, tetapi berlangsung di antara tiga orang sekaligus. Berikut teks lengkapnya yang bisa dipelajari:
Sudhir: Excuse me, are you Tejeshwar?
Tej: Yes, sir. I am Tejeshwar. May I know to whom I am speaking?
Sudhir: My name is Sudhir. I came to meet you.
Tej: Glad to meet you, sir. Is there anything I can do for you?
Sudhir: I would like you to introduce me to your Director.
Tej: Please come this way, sir. Mr. Singh, may I introduce you to Mr. Sudhir. He has come to meet you. Mr. Sudhir, this is our Director, Mr. A.K. Singh.
Sudhir: Good morning, sir.
Mr. Singh: Good morning, Mr. Sudhir. What can I do for you?
Sudhir: I shall tell you in detail as soon as you are free.
Mr. Singh: Let me check my appointment diary.
7. Dialog Bahasa Inggris 3 Orang di Taman
Selanjutnya, ada contoh percakapan 3 orang dalam bahasa Inggris dari situs Wall Street English.
Percakapannya cukup sederhana, yakni sebagai berikut:
Cindy: Look at the birds! They are beautiful.
Ashley: There is a parrot above my head. It is very nice.
Todd: Oh! There you can see the peacock.
Cindy: There is the owl and cuckoo bird.
Ashley: We can see the eagle also.
Todd: Who are standing near the peacock?
Ashley: A boy and a girl are standing near the peacock.
Todd: What are they doing?
Ashley: They are admiring the beauty of the peacock.
Cindy: We had a nice time today in the park.
8. Percakapan Bahasa Inggris 3 Orang tentang Belajar Bersama
Terakhir, ada percakapana bahasa Inggris 3 orang di antara para pelajar mengenai rencana untuk belajar bersama.
Teks dialog lengkapnya adalah sebagai berikut:
Sarah: Hey guys, have you started studying for the upcoming exams?
Alex: Yeah, I’ve been reviewing my notes and going through the textbook. It’s a lot to cover, though.
Ryan: I know, right? I feel like there’s so much material, and I’m not sure where to start.
Sarah: I usually make a study schedule to break it down. Like, focus on one subject for an hour, take a break, and then move on to the next.
Alex: That sounds like a good plan. I tend to get overwhelmed looking at everything at once.
Ryan: True. I’ve been trying to group related topics together, so it’s easier to remember.
Sarah: And don’t forget to ask for help if you’re stuck on something. We can always explain things to each other.
Alex: That’s a good point. I sometimes get stuck on math problems, and having someone explain it really helps.
Ryan: Speaking of math, do you guys want to meet up this weekend and study together? We can quiz each other and work on the tough problems.
Sarah: Great idea! It’s always more productive when we study as a group.
Alex: Count me in! I could use all the help I can get.
Ryan: Awesome! Let’s plan to meet at the library on Saturday afternoon. We can grab some snacks and make it a study session.
Sarah: Sounds like a plan. See you guys on Saturday!
9. Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris 3 Orang tentang Hobi
Berikut ini adalah percakapan bahasa Inggris 3 orang tentang hobi berenang yang melibatkan Jude, Smith, dan Brian.
Jude: Hi, guys! How are you?
Smith: Hay, Jude! We are okay. How about you?
Jude: Both are fine. Long time no see you. Anything new?
Brian: Yes, I have a new hobby. I like swimmung now.
Jude: Wow, that’s cool! Have you ever tried on the beach?
Brian: No, I just swam in the pool at the gym.
Dialog Bahasa Inggris 3 Orang Panjang
Angga: Hi these shoes are lovely, can I see the?
Gabriel: Wich one do you like?
Budianto: That Angga! Really cool!
Angga: Hmm, the black ones.
Gabriel: The black ones, they’re quite lovely, imported from Italy.
Angga: I’ve been to Italy hahaha, how much are thet?
Gabriel: Hmm this shoes is eighty dollars.
Angga: Eighty dollars? So expensive.
Gabriel: Not so expnesive. Only fourty dollars for one shoes.
Angga: Do you have another pair of black shoes?
Gabriel: Mmm, this pair! Only twenty dollars.
Angga: Why these shoes so much cheaper?
Gabriel: Because they made here.
Angga: Hmm, what about quality?
Gabriel: The quality is good, this shoes’all least a long time.
11. Dialog Asking and Giving Opinions 3 Orang
Dalam percakapan sehari-hari dialog asking and giving opinions sering ditemui sehingga penting bagi siapa pun memahami sekaligus dipraktikkan.
Dalam bahasa Inggris, asking opinion berarti meminta pendapat atau menanyakan pendapat.
Masih berhubungan dengan percakapan bahasa Inggris 3 orang, berikut adalah contoh dialog asking and giving opinions.
Irma: Which coffee shop do you want to go?
Sita: I have heard the Jabarano Coffee place downtown is really good. Let’s try it!
Dania: Sure, I’m in the mood for drink coffee.
Irma: Coffee shop mana yang ingin kamu kunjungi?
Sita: Aku dengar Jabarano Coffee di pusat kota ini sangat bagus. Mari kita coba!
Dania: Tentu, aku sedang ingin minum kopi.
12. Dialog Bahasa Inggris 3 Orang Singkat tentang Persahabatan
Soneo: Hi, Nadya. Do you have a free time this afternoon?
Nadya: I think I have. I have finished my homework.
Wanda: Ok. Actually we want to go to Farid house. He is sick. So, would you like to join us?
Nadya: Sure. But, is Farid okay? I mean it is not severe, isn’t?
Soneo: He did not come to class for five days, maybe it is quite severe.
Wanda: I heard he got scarlet fever.
Nadya: Oh, poor Farid. Ok. So what time will we go?
Wanda: At four o’clock.
Soneo: We will meet at my house.
Artinya dari percakapan tersebut:
Soneo: Hay, Nadya. Apakah kamu punya waktu luang sore ini?
Nadya: Kupikir iya. Aku pekerjaan rumahku telah selesai.
Wanda: Oke. Sebenarnya kami ingin pergi ke rumah Farid. Dia sakit. Jadi, kamu ingin pergi bersama kami?
Nadya: Tentu. Akan tetapi, apakah Farid baik-baik saja? Maksudku, tidak parah kan?
Soneo: Dia tidak datang ke kelas selama 5 hari, mungkin cukup parah.
Wanda: Saya dengar dia sakit demam berdarah.
Nadya: Oh, Farid yang malang. Oke, jadi jam berapa kita berangkat?
Wanda: Pukul empat.
Soneo: Kita akan bertemu di rumahku.
*sumber: scribd
Tips Menulis Dialog Bahasa Inggris
Untuk menulis dialog dalam bahasa Inggris, kamu harus memahami makna dialog terlebih dahulu.
Menurut situs Wall Street English, dialog merupakan percakapan yang terjadi di antara dua orang atau lebih dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Karakteristik utama dialog adalah
- terjadi diantara dua orang atau lebih,
- ditulis dalam bahasa lisan (verbal),
- menggunakan jenis bahasa yang ringan dan mudah dipahami, serta
- berupa kalimat-kalimat pendek dan sederhana.
Nah, untuk menulis dialog dengan baik, kamu terlebih dahulu harus menentukan tema “obrolan” yang akan menjadi fokus utama.
Kedua, pastikan memasukkan kalimat tanya ke dalamnya agar terjadi percakapan antarorang yang terlibat.
Adapun bentuk kalimat tanya dan contohnya dalam bahasa Inggris adalah sebagai berikut:
- Yes/No questions: “Do you likecoffee?” atau “Do you want to watch cartoon?”
- WH questions: “Why haven’t you left yet?” atau “Where is your school?”
Lalu, ketiga, gunakanlah singkatan pada penulisan helping verbs untuk memperingkas teks.
Contohnya adalah sebagai berikut:
- Do not = don’t
- Did not = didn’t
- Is not = isn’t
- Have not = haven’t
- Cannot = can’t
- Will not = won’t
Dari contoh dialog bahasa Inggris yang telah dipaparkan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa percakapan harus dilakukan dari berbagai arah, mulai dari orang pertama, kedua, dan ketiga.
Dengan demikian, alur obrolan akan berlangsung intensif dan untuk melancarkannya kamu bisa berlatih sesering mungkin.
Semoga contoh dialog bahasa Inggris 3 orang ini bermanfaat, ya.
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