
7 Contoh Soal Narrative Text dan Kunci Jawabannya Terlengkap

05 Oktober 2023 · 3 min read Author: Emier Abdul Fiqih P

contoh soal narrative text

Butuh contoh soal narrative text untuk mengasah pemahamanmu? Berikut kami sajikan sejumlah contoh soal beserta jawabannya!

Dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris, ada banyak teks yang dipelajari.

Satu di antaranya adalah narrative text.

Jenis teks ini berisikan kisah fiktif yang bertujuan untuk menghibur pembaca.

Apabila kebetulan kamu sedang mempelajarinya dan ingin mengasah pengetahuanmu, kamu bisa mengerjakan contoh soal narrative text.

Berikut soal narrative text kelas 9 atau soal narrative text kelas 10 yang kami rangkum di bawah ini!

Kumpulan Contoh Soal Narrative Text

Questions for Number 1-7

contoh soal narrative text

sumber: kidsmoralstories.blogspot.com

Once upon a time, there existed a peacock that took immense pride in its stunning appearance. The only source of discontentment in its life was its proximity to an unattractive owl. Daily, the peacock would visit the owl’s dwelling and deride the owl’s appearance, while the owl endured these insults in silence.

Despite the earnest efforts of other forest creatures to impart wisdom to the peacock, it remained swayed by its own physical allure.

One night, a rainstorm struck, causing flooding that left the peacock’s nest in ruins. Homeless and without sustenance, the peacock came to the owl’s abode to ask for food. To its surprise, the owl not only provided food but also extended an invitation for the peacock to stay.

1. What did the peacock take immense pride in?

a. Its wisdom

b. Its stunning appearance

c. Its singing ability

d. its hunting skills

e. its speed

2. What was the source of discontentment in the peacock’s life?

a. Its lack of friends

b. Its inability to fly

c. Its proximity to an unattractive owl

d. Its small nest

e. Its limited food supply

3. How did the peacock treat the owl daily?

a. It complimented the owl’s appearance

b. It ignored the owl completely

c. It shared its food with the owl

d. It derided the owl’s appearance

e. It helped the owl build a nest

4. Despite the efforts of other forest creatures, what did the peacock remain consumed by?

a. Its owl physical allure

b. Its musical talents

c. Its athletic prowess

d. Its love for the rain

e. Its curiosity about the owl

5. What happened during the rainstorm mentioned in the text?

a. The owl’s nest was destroyed

b. The peacock’s appearance changed

c. The peacock insulted the owl even more

d. The owl refused to help the peacock

e. The peacock’s nest was flooded

6. What was the peacock’s reaction when it sought refuge and sustenance at the owl’s abode during the rainstorm?

a. It insulted the owl again

b. It asked the owl to leave

c. It was turned away by the owl

d. It was surprised by the owl’s kindness

e. It demanded that the owl share its food

7. What do we learn about the owl from the text?

a. The owl was proud of its looks

b. The owl enjoyed insulting the peacock

c. The owl was unattractive but kind-hearted

d. The owl had a stunning appearance like the peacock

e. The owl disliked the other forest creatures

Kunci Jawaban Soal Narrative Text

kunci jawaban contoh soal narrative text

  1. B
  2. C
  3. D
  4. A
  5. E
  6. D
  7. C


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Emier Abdul Fiqih P

Content Writer

Menjadi penulis di 99 Group sejak 2022 yang berfokus pada artikel properti, gaya hidup, dan teknologi. Lulusan S2 Linguistik UPI ini sempat berprofesi sebagai copy editor dan penyunting buku. Senang menonton film dan membaca novel di waktu senggang.


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