Ditugaskan membuat iklan lowongan pekerjaan dalam bahasa Inggris tapi bingung dengan isi yang harus ditulis? Yuk, lihat saja contoh lowongan pekerjaan dalam bahasa Inggris pada artikel ini!
Dalam menemukan kandidat yang berkualitas dan kompeten tentunya tidak mudah.
Untuk menarik perhatian para pelamar, kamu juga harus membuat contoh iklan lowongan kerja dengan detail yang jelas.
Terlebih untuk iklan lowongan pekerjaan bahasa Inggris, kalimat yang ditulis harus mudah dimengerti dan sesuai dengan grammar.
Cara membuat iklan lowongan pekerjaan bahasa Inggris pun tidak bisa sembarangan.
Pasalnya bila dibuat dengan asal, alih-alih mendapatkan pelamar, kamu malah tidak mendapatkan apa-apa.
Oleh karena itu, ada beberapa contoh lowongan pekerjaan dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa dijadikan referensi.
Informasinya bisa kamu simak pada uraian berikut ini.
Contoh Lowongan Pekerjaan dalam Bahasa Inggris
1. Lowongan Pekerjaan Bahasa Inggris
Job Vacancy
Human Resource Development
– Arranging interviews and hiring the right employees needed by the company.
– Process monthly payroll.
– Update company’s policies.
– Maintain employee records.
– Conduct benefit analysis and disciplinary actions.
– Bachelor/Master degree in HR, Psychology, Business Management, and related field.
– Fresh graduates are welcome to apply.
– Interpersonal skills and communication skills.
– Good time management
– Able to work in team
– BPJS Insurance
– Monthly Salary 6 million
– Family and medical leave
PT. FinTech Bandung, Indonesia
(contact details)
– Telephone: 12345678909
How to apply:
Send your CV and portfolio to fintechbandung.hrd@gmail.com before January 31st 2023
2. Iklan Lowongan Pekerjaan Bahasa Inggris
Job Vacancy
– Defining and managing company’s brand
– Produce marketing and promotional materials
– Conducting customer and market research
– Bachelor/Master degree in marketing and business related fields (Fresh graduates are welcome to apply)
– Familiar with web page analytics, content management systems, customer relationship management and other relevant software.
– Excellent speaking, writing, presenting and active listening skills.
– Good Interpersonal skills and teamwork skills.
– Able to speak both English and Mandarin will be a plus point.
– Had been vaccinated minimum 2x.
– monthly salary will be adjusted according to the candidate’s experience.
– BPJS Insurance
– Annual bonus
Location: Talangan Alam Sutera, Indonesia (Work from office)
(contact details)
– 0123456789
How to apply:
Send your newest CV and portfolio to hrd@berkahcompany.com before August 21st 2023.
3. Lowongan Kerja Bahasa Inggris
Job Vacancy
Business Development
– Driving business goals within the company.
– Research new market opportunities and oversee new projects for the company.
– Making sales projections and forecasting revenue.
– Bachelor degree in Business Management and related fields.
– 2 years working experience as Business Development.
– Strong interpersonal and negotiation skills.
– Good management and leadership skills.
– Monthly salary will be adjusted according to the candidate’s work experience.
– BPJS Insurance
– Lunch will be provided
– Family and medical leave
– Annual bonus
PT Beijing Map, Medan (Indonesia)
(contact details)
– Telephone: 234567654321
How to apply:
Please send your CV and other related documents to the email below. The application deadline will be on Thursday, 17th June 2023.
4. Contoh Lowongan Pekerjaan dalam Bahasa Inggris
5. Lowongan Pekerjaan dalam Bahasa Inggris
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