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28 Ucapan Ulang Tahun Selain Happy Birthday, Unik dan Penuh Doa!

ucapan ulang tahun selain happy birthday
ucapan ulang tahun selain happy birthday | shutterstock

Menyampaikan ucapan selamat ulang tahun tak melulu harus menggunakan happy birthday, masih banyak pilihan ungkapan lainnya. Berikut ini alternatif ucapan ulang tahun selain happy birthday yang dapat kamu gunakan!

Kalimat ucapan selamat ulang tahun dalam bahasa Inggris identik dengan “happy birthday” karena memang itulah bahasa Inggris dari “selamat ulang tahun”.

Apabila kamu ingin menyampaikan ucapan yang lebih unik, kamu bisa mencoba menggunakan ungkapan lainnya.

Dalam bahasa Inggris, ada beberapa pilihan ungkapan yang secara makna sama.

Simak ucapan ulang tahun selain happy birthday berikut ini!

Ucapan Ulang Tahun Selain Happy Birthday

1. Happy level up

ucapan happy level up

Salah satu ucapan ulang tahun selain happy birthday yang sering digunakan adalah happy level up.

Arti happy level up secara harfiah adalah “selamat naik level”.

Dalam konteks ulang tahun, happy level up ini dapat diartikan sebagai ucapan selamat ulang tahun dengan harapan makin meningkatkan level kehidupan.

Ucapan happy level up sangat populer di kalangan anak muda masa kini, bahkan bisa dibilang sebagai bahasa gaul.

Berikut ini contoh ucapan selamat ulang tahun menggunakan happy level up:

  • Happy Level Up Day! May this year be your most epic quest yet, filled with awesome loot, legendary skills, and unforgettable victories. Go crush it!
  • Prepare to level up! It’s time to embark on another year of adventures. Wishing you incredible growth, amazing experiences, and stats that would make any character envious. Happy leveling!
  • Congratulations on unlocking a new level! May this year be filled with exciting upgrades, powerful new abilities, and boss battles you’ll conquer with ease. Happy Level Up!
  • It’s time to party like you just gained XP! Wishing you a birthday filled with laughter, joy, and enough cake to fuel your next adventure. Happy Level Up!
  • Happy Level Up, Boss! This year, go slay your goals, unlock hidden potential, and reach new heights. May your journey be epic and your loot legendary!

2. Many happy returns

Many happy returns adalah ucapan selamat ulang tahun yang disertai dengan harapan agar orang yang dituju akan berumur panjang dan mendapatkan banyak kebahagian.

Inilah contoh contoh ucapan selamat ulang tahun menggunakan many happy returns:

  • Wishing you many happy returns of the day! May this year be a journey filled with laughter, adventure, and moments that leave you saying, “That was epic!”
  • Cheers to another year around the sun! Here’s to many more happy returns filled with good health, good times, and the fulfillment of your heart’s desires.
  • A toast to your special day! May you experience many happy returns, each one bringing new joys, discoveries, and reasons to celebrate.
  • Onward and upward! Wishing you many happy returns filled with growth, achievement, and opportunities to become the best version of yourself.
  • Sending warm wishes for many happy returns! May your laughter echo through the years, your dreams find wings, and your happiness know no bounds.

3. Have a fabulous birthday

Have a fabulous birthday juga dapat dijadikan pilihan ucapan selamat ulang tahun selain happy birthday.

Meskipun masih menggunakan kata “birthday”, kalimat ini memiliki makna yang berbeda dengan happy birthday, yakni bermakna selamat ulang tahun yang luar biasa.

Berikut ini contoh ucapan have a fabulous birthday:

  • May your day be filled with sparkle and wonder! Embrace the magic of another year with joy, laughter, and moments that shimmer with delight. Have a fabulous birthday!
  • Unleash your inner rockstar! Today is your day to shine – sing, dance, celebrate, and make memories that will last a lifetime. Have a birthday that’s legendary!
  • Cheers to sweet adventures and delicious cake! May your day be overflowing with delightful surprises, delectable treats, and experiences that leave you grinning from ear to ear. Have a birthday bursting with sweetness!
  • Get ready for a day of pure joy! Let the laughter flow, the good times roll, and your heart soars with happiness. Have a birthday that’s simply delightful!
  • Wishing you a day brighter than the birthday candles! May your light shine even brighter today, surrounded by love, warmth, and moments that ignite your spirit. Have a birthday that radiates joy!


4. Don’t count the candles, just enjoy the glow

Don’t count the candles, just enjoy the glow adalah salah satu cara untuk mengucapkan selamat ulang tahun dengan sedikit humor.

Saat merayakan ulang tahun, pasti kita akan melihat kue sembari menghitung jumlah lilinnya.

Nah, arti dari kalimat tersebut adalah “nikmati saja cahaya lilinnya, tak perlu menghitung jumlahnya”.

Berikut contoh ucapannya:

  • Let the candles twinkle and dance tonight, their glow reflecting the beauty within you. Don’t count the candles, just enjoy the warmth and joy they symbolize. Happy celebrations!
  • Another year older, but even brighter! As you blow out the candles, remember, it’s not the number that matters, but the light you share. Don’t count the candles, just enjoy the glow and keep illuminating the world.
  • Instead of counting candles, count your blessings and the laughter you spark. You bring joy to everyone around you, so today, focus on soaking up the love and happiness. Don’t count the candles, just enjoy the glow you create!

5. Congratulations on another year well-spent

Congratulations on another year well-spent jadi salah satu alternatif ucapan ulang tahun tanpa menggunakan happy birthday.

Kalimat ini bermakna “selamat atas tahun yang telah kamu lewati dengan baik”.

Inilah contoh kalimatnya:

  • Cheers to another year of growth and achievement! Congratulations on another year well-spent, filled with moments that shaped you and memories you’ll cherish forever. Here’s to an even brighter year ahead!
  • You conquer every year with grace and strength. Congratulations on another year well-spent, proving once again that age is just a number. May your next year be just as fulfilling and exciting!
  • Your journey inspires! Congratulations on another year well-spent, leaving a trail of positive impact and enriching experiences. May your next chapter be even more incredible!
  • Blooming brighter with each year! Congratulations on another year well-spent, nurturing your talents and blossoming into an even more amazing version of yourself. May your next year be filled with continued growth and joy!
  • Cheers to a life well-lived! Congratulations on another year well-spent, adding another beautiful chapter to your story. May your next year be filled with adventures, laughter, and moments that ignite your spirit!


Itulah contoh ucapan ulang tahun selain happy birthday.

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