Sudahkah kamu tahu apa itu past perfect tense? Kalau belum, pelajari pengertian, rumus, dan contoh kalimat past perfect tense melalui artikel ini, yuk!
Di dalam bahasa Inggris, ada banyak jenis tenses yang dibagi ke dalam empat kategori, mulai dari past tense, present tense, future tense, dan past future tense.
Empat kategori tenses tersebut kemudian dibagi lagi dalam menjadi 16 tenses.
Past perfect tense termasuk dalam dalam kategori past tense.
Simak penjelasan lengkap dan contoh kalimat past perfect tense di bawah ini, ya!
Apa Itu Past Perfect Tense?
Pengertian past perfect tense adalah bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa suatu aksi telah selesai pada suatu titik di masa lalu sebelum aksi lainnya terjadi.
Aksi yang telah selesai di masa lalu tersebut dapat terjadi sekali maupun berulang kali.
Ciri utama past perfect tense adalah penggunaan “had” sebelum kata kerja.
Namun, sebenarnya apa fungsi past perfect tense?
Past perfect tense digunakan ketika ingin menunjuk sebuah poin di masa lalu dan ingin membicarakan bahwa ada momen yang terjadi sebelumnya secara spesifik.
Rumus Past Perfect Tense
Merujuk buku CLAT oleh Sagar Panghal, berikut ini rumus past perfect tense yang benar:
- past perfect tense positif: subject + had + past participle (V3).
- past perfect tense negatif: subject + had not + past participle (V3)
- past perfect tense interogatif: had + subject + past participle (V3)
Contoh Kalimat Past Perfect Tense Positif Negatif Interogatif
Contoh 1
Kalimat positif: The train had left when I reached the station. (Keretanya sudah pergi ketika aku sampai di stasiun.)
Kalimat negatif: The train had not left when I reached the station. (Keretanya belum berangkat ketika aku sampai di stasiun.)
Kalimat interogatif: Had the train left when you reached the bus stop? (Apakah keretanya sudah pergi ketika kamu sampai di stasiun?)
Contoh 2
Kalimat positif: By the time I arrived at the station, the train had left. (Ketika aku sampai di stasiun, keretanya sudah pergi.)
Kalimat negatif: By the time I arrived at the station, the train had not left. (Saat aku sampai di stasiun, keretanya belum pergi.)
Kalimat interogatif: Had the train left by the time you got to the station? (Apakah keretanya sudah pergi ketika kamu sampai di stasiun?)
Contoh 3
Kalimat positif: Hendi had studied grammar before he took the IELTS test. (Hendi telah belajar tata bahasa sebelum dia mengikuti tes IELTS.)
Kalimat negatif: Hendi had not studied grammar before he took the IELTS test. (Hendi belum belajar tata bahasa sebelum dia mengikuti tes IELTS.)
Kalimat interogatif: Had Hendi studied grammar before he took the IELTS test? (Apakah Hendi telah belajar tata bahasa sebelum mengikuti tes IELTS?)
Contoh 4
Kalimat positif: I had cleaned my bedroom before I left. (Aku telah membersihkan kamarku sebelum aku pergi.)
Kalimat negatif: I had not cleaned my bedroom before I left. (Aku belum membersihkan kamarku sebelum aku pergi.)
Kalimat interogatif: Had you cleaned your room before you left? (Apakah kamu sudah membersihkan kamarmu sebelum kamu pergi?)
Contoh 5
Kalimat positif: My brother had washed the dishes before he went to school. (Kakakku telah mencuci piring sebelum dia berangkat ke sekolah.)
Kalimat negatif: My brother had not washed the dishes before he went to school. (Kakakku belum mencuci piring sebelum dia berangkat ke sekolah.)
Kalimat interogatif: Had your brother washed the dishes before he went to school? (Apakah kakakmu sudah mencuci piring sebelum dia berangkat ke sekolah?)
Contoh 6
Kalimat positif: My sister had eaten the cake before my mother came home from work. (Adikku telah memakan kuenya sebelum ibu pulang kerja.)
Kalimat negatif: My sister had not eaten the cake before my mother came home from work. (Adikku belum memakan kuenya sebelum ibu pulang kerja.)
Kalimat interogatif: Had your sister eaten the cake before your mother came home from work? (Apakah adikmu telah memakan kuenya ketika ibumu pulang kerja?)
Contoh 7
Kalimat positif: I had finished my homework before I went to the party. (Saya telah menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumah saya sebelum pergi ke pesta.)
Kalimat negatif: I had not finished my homework before I went to the party.(Saya belum menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumah saya sebelum pergi ke pesta.)
Kalimat interogatif: Had I finished my homework before I went to the party? (Apakah saya sudah menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumah saya sebelum pergi ke pesta?)
Contoh 8
Kalimat positif: She had already eaten lunch when I called her. (Dia sudah makan siang ketika saya meneleponnya.)
Kalimat negatif: She hadn’t eaten lunch when I called her. (Dia belum makan siang ketika saya meneleponnya.)
Kalimat interogatif: Had she eaten lunch when I called her? (Apakah dia sudah makan siang ketika saya meneleponnya?)
Contoh 9
Kalimat positif: They had visited that museum before it closed. (Mereka telah mengunjungi museum itu sebelum ditutup.)
Kalimat negatif: They hadn’t visited that museum before it closed. (Mereka belum pernah mengunjungi museum itu sebelum ditutup.)
Kalimat interogatif:Had they visited that museum before it closed? (Apakah mereka pernah mengunjungi museum itu sebelum ditutup?)
Contoh 10
Kalimat positif: He had read the book before the movie came out. (Dia telah membaca bukunya sebelum filmnya keluar.)
Kalimat negatif: He hadn’t read the book before the movie came out. (Dia belum membaca bukunya sebelum filmnya keluar.)
Kalimat interogatif: Had he read the book before the movie came out? (Apakah dia sudah membaca bukunya sebelum filmnya keluar?)
Contoh 11
Kalimat positif: We had cleaned the house before the guests arrived. (Kami sudah membersihkan rumah sebelum tamu datang.)
Kalimat negatif: We hadn’t cleaned the house before the guests arrived. (Kami belum membersihkan rumah sebelum tamu datang.)
Kalimat interogatif: Had we cleaned the house before the guests arrived? (Apakah kita sudah membersihkan rumah sebelum tamu datang?)
Contoh 12
Kalimat positif: The team had practiced a lot before the big game. (Tim telah banyak berlatih sebelum pertandingan besar.)
Kalimat negatif: The team hadn’t practiced enough before the big game. (Tim belum cukup berlatih sebelum pertandingan besar.)
Kalimat interogatif: Had the team practiced enough before the big game? (Apakah tim sudah cukup berlatih sebelum pertandingan besar?)
Contoh 13
Kalimat positif: Nisa had cooked dinner by the time her husband got home. (Nisa sudah memasak makan malam saat suaminya sampai di rumah.)
Kalimat negatif: Nisa hadn’t cooked dinner by the time her husband got home. (Nisa belum memasak makan malam saat suaminya sampai di rumah.)
Kalimat interogatif: Had Nisa cooked dinner by the time her husband got home? (Apakah Nisa sudah memasak makan malam saat suaminya sampai di rumah?)
Contoh 14
Kalimat positif: The movie had started by the time we reached the theater. (Film sudah dimulai saat kami sampai di teater.)
Kalimat negatif: The movie hadn’t started by the time we reached the theater. (Film belum dimulai saat kami sampai di bioskop.)
Kalimat interogatif: Had the movie started by the time we reached the theater? (Apakah filmnya sudah dimulai saat kami sampai di teater?)
Contoh 15
Kalimat positif: The company had released a new product before the competition. (Perusahaan telah merilis produk baru sebelum kompetisi.)
Kalimat negatif: The company hadn’t released a new product before the competition. (Perusahaan belum merilis produk baru sebelum kompetisi.)
Kalimat interogatif: Had the company released a new product before the competition? (Apakah perusahaan telah merilis produk baru sebelum kompetisi?)
Contoh 16
Kalimat positif: He had studied French before he traveled to Paris. (Dia telah belajar bahasa Prancis sebelum bepergian ke Paris.)
Kalimat negatif: He hadn’t studied French before he traveled to Paris. (Dia belum pernah belajar bahasa Prancis sebelum bepergian ke Paris.)
Kalimat interogatif: Had he studied French before he traveled to Paris? (Apakah dia pernah belajar bahasa Prancis sebelum berangkat ke Paris?)
Contoh 17
Kalimat positif: She had completed the project before the deadline. (Dia telah menyelesaikan proyek sebelum batas waktu.)
Kalimat negatif: She hadn’t completed the project before the deadline. (Dia belum menyelesaikan proyek sebelum batas waktu.)
Kalimat interogatif: Had she completed the project before the deadline? (Apakah dia telah menyelesaikan proyeknya sebelum batas waktu?)
Contoh 18
Kalimat positif: He had finished his homework before dinner. (Dia telah menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumahnya sebelum makan malam.)
Kalimat negatif: He hadn’t finished his homework before dinner. (Dia belum menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumahnya sebelum makan malam.)
Kalimat interogatif: Had he finished my homework before dinner? (Apakah dia sudah menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumahnya sebelum makan malam?)
Contoh 19
Kalimat positif: By the time I woke up, my roommate had already eaten all the pancakes. (Saat aku bangun, teman sekamarku sudah makan semua pancake.)
Kalimat negatif: Saat saya bangun, teman sekamar saya belum memakan semua pancake. ( Saat saya bangun, teman sekamar saya belum memakan semua pancake.)
Kalimat interogatif: Had my roommate eaten all the pancakes by the time I woke up? (Apakah teman sekamar saya sudah memakan semua pancake pada saat saya bangun?)
Contoh 20
Kalimat positif: She realized that she had left her phone at home when she arrived at the office. (Dia menyadari bahwa dia telah meninggalkan ponselnya di rumah saat tiba di kantor.)
Kalimat negatif: She did not realize that she had left her phone at home when she arrived at the office. (Dia tidak menyadari bahwa dia telah meninggalkan ponselnya di rumah ketika tiba di kantor.)
Kalimat interogatif: Did she realize that she had left her phone at home when she arrived at the office? (Apakah dia menyadari bahwa dia telah meninggalkan ponselnya di rumah ketika dia tiba di kantor?)
FAQ Kalimat Past Perfect Tense
Apa saja contoh kalimat past perfect tense?
- She had already finished her work before the meeting started.
- They had traveled to Paris multiple times before they decided to move there.
- By the time I arrived, the train had already left the station.
- The team had won several matches in a row before they faced their first defeat.
- He realized he had left his keys at home after he reached the office.
Apa itu past perfect tense dan contohnya?
past perfect tense adalah bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa suatu aksi telah selesai pada suatu titik di masa lalu sebelum aksi lainnya terjadi.
- After I had finished my meal, I went for a walk.
- She had studied for weeks before taking the final exam.
- By the time they arrived, the party had already ended.
- He had never seen that movie before, so he was excited to watch it.
- The company had invested a lot in research before launching the new product.
Apa saja contoh perfect tense?
- Present Perfect
- I have visited that museum before.
- She has already eaten lunch.
- They have completed the project on time.
- Past Perfect
- He realized he had left his keys at home.
- By the time I arrived, they had already left.
- The team had won several matches in a row.
- Future Perfect
- By tomorrow, she will have finished the report.
- They will have completed the construction by next month.
Apa contoh kalimat simple past tense?
- She traveled to Paris last summer.
- They watched a movie at the cinema yesterday.
- He finished his homework before dinner.
- The concert ended late last night.
- I visited my grandparents over the weekend.
Demikian penjelasan dan contoh kalimat past perfect tense.
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Kunjungi Teras123 untuk ngobrolin properti, ya!
- Rahman Ali, A. F. (2007). Cara Cepat Belajar 16 Tenses. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Widyatama
- Lingga, Holben D. (2006). Advanced English Grammar for TOEFL Preparation. Depok: Wisma Hijau
- Panghal, Sagar. (2020). CLAT. Bluerose Publishers