25 Ucapan Pernikahan Bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia | Menyentuh Banget!
Jangan cuma kirimin hadiah ke hari istimewa sahabat atau saudaramu. Ini dia kumpulan ucapan pernikahan paling menyentuh hati.
Jika tangan tak dapat bersalam, tak ada salahnya untuk mengganti dengan kata-kata mutiara yang mampu menunjukkan rasa bahagia kamu atas kabar pernikahan orang terdekat.
Yuk contek beragam contoh kartu ucapan pernikahan berikut!
Kartu Ucapan Pernikahan Bahasa Inggris
– May your love bloom brighter and your companionship grow sweeter with each passing year. Congratulations on your wedding.
– Wishing both of you a world of happiness and joy on your wedding day.
– May your marriage be filled with all the right ingredients: a heap of love, a dash of humor, a touch of romance, and a spoonful of understanding. May your joy last forever. Congratulations!
– Your wedding day may come and go, but may your love forever grow. Congratulations to the perfect couple!
– Congratulations to a beautiful couple. Wishing you a wonderful journey as you build your new life together.
– Wishing you both the best happily ever after you deserve. Congratulations on your wedding day!
– Through the storms of life, may your love for one another be steadfast and strong. Wishing you joy and happiness on your wedding day. Congratulations!
– Just a note to say how happy we are for you. Wishing you a lifetime of the greatest joy, love, and happiness. Congratulations to a wonderful couple!
– Like a lighthouse on a dark night, may your love for one another always shine brightly. Congratulations on your wedding day.
– May the years ahead be filled with lasting joy. Congratulations to a couple whose match truly seems made in heaven!
– Your two stars create an amazing constellation. Congratulations on your wedding day!
– May you always have one another to lean on and turn to throughout all of life’s storms.
– Words are just not quite enough today,
When your love will light the way,
To a wedding filled with joy never ending,
The warmest wishes are what we are sending.
Ucapan Pernikahan Islami
– “Alhamdulillah, kami ucapkan selamat atas jalinan pernikahan kalian berdua. Semoga pernikahan kalian senantiasa dilimpahi berkah, cinta, kebaikan, dan kebahagiaan. Jazakallahu khairan khatira.”
– “Semoga Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala menguatkan ikatan pernikahan kalian dan memberkahi hati kalian dengan iman serta cinta untuk selamanya. Semoga keluarga kalian akan selalu berbahagia!”
– “Semoga jalinan pernikahan kalian abadi selamanya hingga maut memisahkan, dan semoga Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala memberikan limpahan berkah pada kalian dengan kedamaian serta kebahagiaan yang tak berbatas.”
– “Dengan ini kami sampaikan ucapan menikah Islami. Barakallahu lakuma wa baraka ‘alaikuma wa jama’a bainakuma fii khoir.” (artinya: semoga Allah SWT menganugerahkan barokah kepadamu, dan semoga Allah menghimpun kalian dalam kebaikan.)
– “Pada awalnya Allah SWT menciptakan satu jiwa, kemudian Ia membelahnya menjadi dua bagin. Tersebut bertujuan agar Allah yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang dapat kembali menyatukan kalian dalam ikatan suci pernikahan.”
Ucapan Pernikahan Bahasa Inggris Casual
– “Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness.”
– “Your wedding day will come and go, but may your love forever grow.”
– “Best wishes on this wonderful journey, as you build your new lives together.”
– “May the years ahead be filled with lasting joy.”
– “May the love you share today grow stronger as you grow old together.”
– “May your joining together bring you more joy than you can imagine.”
– “May today be the beginning of a long, happy life together.”
– “Thank you for letting us/me share in this joyful day. We/I wish you all the best as you embark on this wonderful union.”
– “Wishing you joy, love and happiness on your wedding day and as you begin your new life together.”
– “May the love and happiness you feel today shine through the years.”
Jadi, mau pilih ucapan pernikahan yang mana nih?
Temukan juga beragam inspirasi souvenir pernikahan yang bisa kamu bikin sendiri di artikel.rumah123.com!
Intip juga proyek properti terbaru di Blossom Park!